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La marca registrada. Debe usarse o se pierde. No debe tener similitud. Ejemplo de estrategia de propiedad intelectual. La figura 5. Por ejemplo, calidad del servicio puede considerar los aspectos de trato personal, capacidad de respuesta y competencia percibida. Ticketmaster e www. Identifica al menos dos tipos de infringimiento adicionales. Bennis, w.
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Haruard Business Review. Enero Y Gutterman, A. McGraw-Hill Book Co. HALL, R. LANE, J. K CHIN, R. Teece, D. Wagner, S. Vol 33, No. L Machine Design. Tabla 6. Impacto 1. Cambio en el ciclo de vida del producto 2. Se enfoca en el mercado definido. Importancia a la sensibilidad del mercado y a las necesidades de los consumidores.
Se enfoca a lo que los empleados "saben" no en lo que hacen. Se identifican cuatro tipos de cultura organizacional tabla 6. Tipos de cultura organizacional. Respuesta organizacional reactiva-proactiva. Grado de respuesta a cambios.
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Research Thchnology Management. In Rs Rosenbloom Y R. Research Thchnology Management and Policy. Press, Greenwich. CHAlT, A. RTlNO, J. McGraw Hill lnc.
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Doctoral Dissertation. Revista de Comercio Exterior. Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S. Y Arroyo P. Internaiional Conference on Management of Thchnology. Orlando, f1.
McGraw-Hi1l Book Co. HAIR, J. HALL, B. Strategic Management [ournal, Vol. An International Two Way Street". HESLOp, 1. H: KIM, w. NE, J. A, y Wilson, B. Report of the Task: force on Management of Technologu. E, Butler, M. Black carbon is a potent climate-forcing aerosol that remains in the atmosphere for only a few days or weeks.
Black carbon is a component of soot and a product of incomplete combustion of fuels such as oil, diesel, coal, wood, crop waste and other biomass. Es- timates of the radiative forcing of black carbon indicate that it may be the second or third leading cause of global warming after CO2 and methane. This is due to depreciation charges and the fact that data on some of the projects are still missing. No progress was made in the substantial reductions in indirect CO2 emissions reported last year.
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This is due to the fact that the performance of on-going wastewater projects has further improved. Petersburg in terms of volumes 80 million m 3 and energy consumption, its impact was excluded from the figures indicating the volume of wastewater treated. This was also the case in Overall, the water sector continued to show good performance in Within the energy sector projects, the rate of reduction in carbon dioxide emissions increased slightly compared to Unlike in , when energy consumption increased, major progress was made in this respect in An energy project tabled in Russia no longer affects the outcome, while at the same time wind power production in the Baltics expanded.
On the whole, the sector performed positively in terms of CO2 reductions. Overall, no major changes in reductions took place in Similarly, the slightly lower reductions in nitrogen and sulphur oxides can be explained by write-offs.
In , NEFCO initiated use of a new indicator, namely black carbon, to the In , NEFCO initiated use of a new indicator, namely black carbon, to the environmental monitoring of all projects financed by the Corporation. Black carbon is a component of soot and is a product of incomplete combustion of fuels such as oil, diesel, coals, wood, crop waste and other biomass. Estimates suggest that black carbon may be the second or third leading cause of global warming after CO2 and methane.
NEFCO engaged actively in various working groups which are supporting attempts to harmonise the environmental methodology applied at International Financial Institutions. The rationale for this work is to harmonise GHG accounting during project appraisal. The purpose in undertaking this work is to establish minimum requirements which each IFI can optionally exceed with additional considerations and reporting. The International Financial Institutions recognised that approaches to GHG accounting should be harmonised as far as possible, recognising the differing mandates and geographical coverage of each institution.
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A harmonised approach will improve consistency and comparability across IFIs, provide increased reliability for other users of the data, set a good-practice standard for other IFIs and facilitate the sharing of experience and lessons learnt. NEFCO has, during the period under review, sought to identify new innovative approaches to obtaining environmental benefits. Many of the projects financed from the Fund have utilised unique innovative solutions for reducing discharges of nutrients to the Baltic Sea.
One good example of this is the treatment of manure using the pyrolysis process, which produces renewable energy and biocoal. Nefco in numbers Examples of emission reductions in CO2 3. The city, together with NEFCO, has also invested in energy-saving refurbishment of municipally owned buildings. For NEFCO, it meant that a longer period of time was required for planning investments and that fewer projects were approved, even though the Corporation received more inquiries than ever before over the years. Consequently, general interest in the funding available from NEFCO remained high, suggesting that international financial institutions serve an important purpose even under less favourable conditions.
At the same time, overall interest in environmental investments among municipalities has increased. A number of municipal projects to build up district heating and water management capacity were identified for closer scrutiny during the reporting period. The year was one of vigorous project activity. A total of 65 new projects were approved in by the various funds managed by NEFCO as compared to 66 the year before. However, the value of provisionally approved projects amounted to EUR While NeCF will continue to operate for several years to come, investments in new purchase agreements will most likely be limited and the fund will primarily focus on managing its existing agreements.
Three new funds were established and five dissolved during the reporting period. Swedish funding was made available for environmental projects in Russia; funding from the Northern Dimension Environment al Partnership NDEP for a wastewater project in Petrozavodsk, Russia; and funding from the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment al Partnership E5P for financing an energy-efficient district heating demonstration project in Ukraine. NEFCO renders separate accounts for all these funds. The financial result was modest, which was mainly due to the foreseen appropriation of EUR 1. In all other respects, the net balance between capital gains and losses provided no surprises.
As expected, environmental performance during the reporting period was also sound compared to previous years. A more detailed account of environmental performance is presented in the annex. Underlying this expansion was the decision of the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment al Partnership E5P to intensify its efforts in the country. Assessment of the environmental impact of projects In line with the procedures developed over time by NEFCO, each project is assessed in terms of its expected environmental impact before a decision on financing is made, followed by a review of the actual effects upon completion of the project.
The analysis of the projects launched under both the Investment Fund and the Environment al Development Fund indicates that, on average, the positive environmental impacts are at the expected level. Of the 67 on-going projects assessed in terms of environmental impact, 15 were deemed to have exceeded expectations, 7 were at the expected level and 14 failed to meet expectations.
In 30 cases, no conclusions could yet be drawn. Of all the analysed projects, have been completed. NEFCO also systematically assesses the environmental cost-effectiveness of projects in relation to the cost of attaining comparable levels of emission reductions in the Nordic countries. Styles for the hover state. Styles for the focus state. Container of a room selector modal that is opened by clicking the room selector button.