Should I use different views and attach them together?
If you want to implement different effect for each slide , then you can use views fractionslider module to implement same. It allows you to animate multiple elements per slide. Set different animation methods like fade or from left, delays and easing for each element, or simple set some defaults in the plugin options.
Its also fully responsive. Making a view attachment works, except the controls aren't linked and they can get out of sync with each other.
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- Solved: HOW do I create a SIMPLE fading slideshow in dream - Adobe Support Community - ?
- JQuery Cycle Plugin - Option Reference.
I've been trying to accomplish something similar. I'd like one field to fade and another to slide. The method I'm trying to duplicate is on www. If you're using the jquery cycle plugin you can use the advanced options to apply some jquery to the elements within each individual slide. I found it easiest to do this inside of a custom js file, rather than doing it from the views configuration page.
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So your custom js file could have some code similar to this:. You can see an example of this here In your view slideshow format setting under the avanced jquery option select the fx option under advanced option value you can enter the various effect seprate by comma. Sign up to join this community.
- Slideshow Image Captions with jQuery Cycle – computeraxe.
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The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
javascript - jQuery Cycle2 reverse on hover - Stack Overflow
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. View Slideshow with different effects on the same view Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 10 months ago. Active 5 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Improve this question.

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Cycle: FxFn not working - jQuery Forum
Hi I am trying to use the slider to rotate the first 4 -5 news items from the News module. I have the jquery copied and stored then linked back to the template as described but cannot figure out what should go between the div's can you please advice. Great idea! I found a tiny problem with JS parameters. In the end of line "pause" should be "," instead of ". With this change the script works well in my page.
Thanx again. Nice tutorial on news slider or images. Create your own slider for news articles or images Previous article Next article I will describe the basics of how to create a slider, you can use it yourself in your CMS Made Simple module templates. How to use This feature uses jQuery, so to start you need to call the jQuery library in your template.