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Presentation on world urbanization. The problem of urbanization urbanization (lat
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Create Account more plans Need help? Contact Us Blog Forum sales quttera. How can I daily monitor websites for malware? All rights reserved. Available via API only. Northeast or Bosvash includes 40 agglomerations 50 million people. Priozena or chipits includes 35 agglomerations 35 million people. The largest - Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh. California or San San includes 18 agglomerations 25 million people. Task 6. Find these megalopolis on the map.
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The largest megalopolis - Tokaido. Task 7. Find this megalopolis on the map. Apply it to the contour card. The growth rate of urbanization in the pace of urbanization is sharply distinguished by developed and developing countries. In developing countries, the growth rates of urban population are 4.
They are highest in Africa and Foreign Asia, in countries where the level of urbanization is the lowest. High rates of growth in the number of citizens in developing countries were called "urban explosion". It is accompanied by an increase in the number of large cities and cities millionaires. Features of urbanization Surbanization - moving part of the urban population in the suburbs. This is due to the deterioration of environmental conditions in major cities, the increase in the cost of infrastructure. False or slum urbanization is a sharp increase in the share of the urban population in developing countries through the influx of rural population and education around the major cities of spontaneous settlements devoid of infrastructure.
All cities in the world annually "throw out" in environment up to 3 billion tons of solid waste, over cubic meters. Natural landscapes change. Task 8.
Answer questions and tasks of the test using the proposed response forms select the right line; select the correct answer, etc. Finish the definition: "Urbanization is What are the basic principles laid down when dividing settlements on urban and rural?
The maximum share of the urban population is characteristic of a group of countries: a Kuwait, Israel, Uruguay; b Ethiopia, Cambodia, Nepal. Complete the phrase: "false" urbanization is The growth rates of the urban population are the highest in: a foreign Asia; b foreign Europe. Task at home. Grade 10". Do not forget to record your homework in the diary.
Write in Notebook Questions: - Is it possible to say that humanity entered into the path of turning our Earth in the "Planet-City"? Express your point of view.
Thanks for the work at the lesson! Transitions from liquid into a gaseous or solid phase and back. It's hard to say where oil came from. The origin of oil is one of the most difficult problems of natural science. Penetration of water to large depths in the bowels of the earth. A number of statements and theoretical schemes created at the dawn of development. Some statements are remembered now only as curiosities. What is oil. Mendeleev, as he himself writes, was struck by parallelism.
Choose from the listed capital of China. Areas of new development. A combination of farms of all countries of the world.
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Choose from the Poland's capital listed. Section test in geography.
Geographical separation of labor. The number of countries not included in OPEC. Type of sectoral structure. The number of countries not belonging to the G8 countries.