Theta options strategy

And as Plato would certainly tell you, in the real world things tend not to work quite as perfectly as in an ideal one. What is Delta? The option costs much less than the stock. Why should you be able to reap even more benefit than if you owned the stock? Calls have positive delta, between 0 and 1. That means if the stock price goes up and no other pricing variables change, the price for the call will go up. If a call has a delta of. Puts have a negative delta, between 0 and That means if the stock goes up and no other pricing variables change, the price of the option will go down.

For example, if a put has a delta of -. As a general rule, in-the-money options will move more than out-of-the-money options , and short-term options will react more than longer-term options to the same price change in the stock. As expiration nears, the delta for in-the-money calls will approach 1, reflecting a one-to-one reaction to price changes in the stock. As expiration approaches, the delta for in-the-money puts will approach -1 and delta for out-of-the-money puts will approach 0.

Technically, this is not a valid definition because the actual math behind delta is not an advanced probability calculation. However, delta is frequently used synonymously with probability in the options world. Usually, an at-the-money call option will have a delta of about. As an option gets further in-the-money, the probability it will be in-the-money at expiration increases as well. As an option gets further out-of-the-money, the probability it will be in-the-money at expiration decreases.

There is now a higher probability that the option will end up in-the-money at expiration. So what will happen to delta? So delta has increased from.

Theta - Higher Volatility Options Strategies Part 4 - Black Box Stocks - Trading Software

So delta in this case would have gone down to. This decrease in delta reflects the lower probability the option will end up in-the-money at expiration. Like stock price, time until expiration will affect the probability that options will finish in- or out-of-the-money.

Because probabilities are changing as expiration approaches, delta will react differently to changes in the stock price. If calls are in-the-money just prior to expiration, the delta will approach 1 and the option will move penny-for-penny with the stock.

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In-the-money puts will approach -1 as expiration nears. If options are out-of-the-money, they will approach 0 more rapidly than they would further out in time and stop reacting altogether to movement in the stock. Again, the delta should be about. Think about it. Of course it is. So delta will increase accordingly, making a dramatic move from.

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So as expiration approaches, changes in the stock value will cause more dramatic changes in delta, due to increased or decreased probability of finishing in-the-money. But looking at delta as the probability an option will finish in-the-money is a pretty nifty way to think about it. As you can see, the price of at-the-money options will change more significantly than the price of in- or out-of-the-money options with the same expiration.

Also, the price of near-term at-the-money options will change more significantly than the price of longer-term at-the-money options. So what this talk about gamma boils down to is that the price of near-term at-the-money options will exhibit the most explosive response to price changes in the stock. Theta values are negative in long option positions and positive in short option positions.

Initially, out of the money options have a faster rate of theta decay than at the money options, but as expiration nears, the rate of theta option time decay for OTM options slows and the ATM options begin to experience theta decay at a faster rate. This is a function of theta being a much smaller component of an OTM option's price, the closer the option is to expiring. Theta is often called a "silent killer" of option buyers. Buyers, by definition, have only limited risk in their strategies together with the potential for unlimited gains.

While this might look good on paper, in practice it often turns out to be death by a thousand cuts.

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In other words, it is true you can only lose what you pay for an option. It is also true that there is no limit to how many times you can lose.

And as any lottery player knows well, a little money spent each week can add up after not hitting the jackpot for a long time. For option buyers, therefore, the pain of slowly eroding your trading capital sours the experience. When buying options, you can reduce the risk of negative theta by buying options with longer expiration. The tradeoff is smaller positive gamma, which means that the gains will be smaller if the stock moves.

Option sellers use theta to their advantage, collecting time decay every day.

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The same is true of credit spreads, which are really selling strategies. Calendar spreads involve buying a longer-dated option and selling a nearer-dated option, taking advantage of the fact that options expire faster as they approach expiration. As a general rule of thumb, option sellers want the underlying to stay stable, while option buyers want it to move.

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