Rizal also downplayed the significance of a government decision Monday to delay a planned increase in fuel prices for consumers, noting that the government would still be able to cut subsidies by "close to 4 trillion rupiah" by increasing prices for industrial users on April 1. During the rally, protesters burned effigies of Wahid and shook their fists, chanting slogans. I have to preserve the integrity of Indonesia. In an apparent concession to his critics, Wahid also announced that his popular deputy, Megawati Sukarnoputri, would assume a greater role in the government.
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Riot police placed barbed wire barricades around the ornate white-columned mansion as about 12, antigovernment protesters blocked its exits. Earlier, the demonstrators and a smaller group of pro-Wahid supporters pelted each other with rocks. Also bei aller Liebe zu antizyklischem Investitionsverhalten, aber die politische Wende ist in Indonesien keineswegs erreicht. Noch was, wenn Megawati ans Ruder kommt, dann sieht es keineswegs besser aus. Wir werden sehen. Also technisch gesehen sieht das nicht mehr gut aus. Hier ist immer noch alles beim Alten.
Man kann es ihnen nicht verdenken. Das wird Wahid auch nicht mehr retten. The dismissal of Ismail, a member of a small Muslim party, was seen as a move by Wahid to regain control of his fractured coalition government. Ismail is one of the founders of the Justice Party, which is supporting parliamentary efforts to impeach Wahid over his alleged role in two multimillion-dollar graft scams.
Wahid has been under intense pressure to quit since the legislature censured him over these scandals last month. A process has begun in parliament that could eventually lead to his impeachment. Daily protests against the Wahid administration have been occurring in Indonesia lately, often matched by demonstrations by his supporters. Wahid confirmed that he fired Ismail and told reporters at the state palace that he would name a new forestry minister when he returns from a trip to a nearby province later Friday.
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Und ob die potentiellen Nachfolger etwas besseres bringen, bezweifele ich auch. Mit Wahid wird es nicht stattfinden. Er ist zu alt und zu schwach, um gegen ein alt etabliertes System der alten Machthaber aufzubrechen. Bisher haben wir - mit Ausnahme dieser aberwitzigen Devisenregulierungen - keine Probleme gehabt. Also wird alles auf dem bisherigen Status blockiert bleiben.
Augen zu, Ohren zu und durch. Hoffentlich nicht absaufen, heisst die Devise. Es gibt anscheinend doch noch Instutitionen die an Indonesiens Zukunft glauben. Mahfud was quoting the president. The Indonesian media reported on Wednesday that nearly a third of parliament had signed a petition charging the ailing Muslim cleric with violating his oath of office and the constitution. He just listens to the people surrounding him, and the spirits," the party official added.
The question remains, are the spirits attuned to Indonesian politics? Indoexchange ist eine diversifizierte IT-Gruppe bietet sehr guenstige Outsourcing Dienstleistungen an and plant fuer den 9. Indoexchange ist wirklich eine sehr gutes Portal, ich frage mich nur, warum sie gerade jetzt ein IPO durchziehen wollen, wo die Marktlage nicht gut ist. Es geht wieder weiter! The fund has raised concerns the amendment could lead to political meddling in monetary policy. Then the mission team for the review will be coming to Jakarta.
Jakarta won Parliament approval earlier this year to sell two nationalized banks to foreign investors and has also drawn up rules to stop provinces from using new decentralization laws to increase borrowing. The central bank law amendment has remained the largest sticking point to the resumption of lending, analysts say.
Indonesia needs the IMF program to draw back much-needed foreign investment.
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Nach meinem Abtauchen ein kurzer Zwischenbericht: Timah mit rd. After the meeting, Anooph Singh said that the initial meeting briefly discussed several issues concerning the implementation of the LoI although he declined to specify the issues that have been just discussed. We are going to be here for 10 days to two weeks.
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We are going to talk over all issues. Washington, D. C Auszug des Interviews zum Thema Indonesien Also, if you can update us on the hopes for the mission to Indonesia and, in particular, if you could let us know how important the central bank issue is. DAWSON: With regard to travel plans, we do always announce the travel of the Managing Director in sufficient time for you to make appropriate notifications and arrangements. But once we do have it, we will, you know, have an announcement. We are sending a mission to Jakarta this week, and the main objective of the mission will be first to have an overall assessment of the economic situation and then deal with the issues of central bank autonomy, IBRA , and fiscal decentralization.
The central bank issue remains a very important one to the Fund, and I think you know that the authorities have established an international panel to examine the issue. And I think over the next month or so we can expect, you know, to see how that develops. But it remains an important issue. Fundamentalist, stimme zu dass www. Wenn die das IPO bei aktueller Marktlage schaffen, dann heisst das was. Soll laut Homepage am Singh said the meeting is routine, similar to those in previous reviews. He said that during the first week, the team meeting will focus on the macro-economic budget and the fiscal budget, including the monetary problems of the central bank Bank Indonesia [BI], the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency [IBRA] and the privatization of state companies.
The state budget deficit will be discussed in detail with the Finance Ministry, he added. On Tuesday, Priyadi said the government is optimistic that the long-awaited meeting with the IMF mission to review its economic recovery program would run smoothly. Singh, who is the IMF deputy director for the Asia-Pacific, said the IMF could not continue its discussion with Indonesian officials if the state budget revision is unclear.
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They have also urged the House to set the date for the discussion of the state budget revision with the government," Zaini said. The state budget deficit is estimated to reach 3. However, the recent depreciation of the rupiah has pushed the deficit to Rp77 trillion or more than 5 per cent of the GDP. Whenever they want to discuss it, we are ready," Pasaribu said.
He said they could start revising the state budget before June. During the meeting with the IMF, the House had asked the organization to further consider its recommendation for the government to implement a tight monetary policy. In addition, capital flight is not only caused by economic factors, but also political factors, Pasaribu noted. Werde die Rupien wohl in Timah oder Tempo Scan investieren. Schaun wir mal.
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Ich bin schon voll investiert Das Indextief bei ca. Gainers led decliners 98 to 42 with 64 stocks unchanged. Volume was million shares valued at billion rupiah. The strengthening rupiah also helped market sentiment as the local currency continued to recover after recently hitting IDR12, against the dollar. Gudang Garam shares ended up 2.
Dealers said while there was a lack of fresh corporate leads, investors bought blue chips on expectations the political crisis will soon come to an end. However, other dealers warned that this is unlikely and that investors should remain cautious as President Abdurrahman Wahid continues to cling to power. Shares in international call operator Indonesian Satellite gained 1. The company has large dollar debts.
The market will be closed Monday for a public holiday, but is expected to be lower Tuesday as profit-taking resumes. Jakarta IndoExchange.
The issuance of second memorandum that did not end up with violence caused market to hope the same for the next political meeting initiated by PDI-P. The market expected the meeting next week to give peaceful political solution that could move the market. Investors predicted that there would be political change from the meeting.