Riesgos del apalancamiento en forex

Obtenga más que una cuenta de trading con forex y CFD en XM

A trading demo or simulation essentially allows you to experience the market and platform features, using virtual funds and therefore without risk. New to trading? Our free demo forex accounts will allow you to practise and hone in your trading skills risk-free until you feel confident enough to trade live.

¿QUÉ ES el APALANCAMIENTO en Forex? ¿Cómo funciona el apalancamiento en Forex?

You can also make use of it as an experienced trader if you want to test different trading strategies. Although demo accounts present real market conditions and prices, please keep in mind that they are simulations and cannot always reasonably reflect all of the market conditions as during highly volatile or illiquid periods e.

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Margin and leverage settings may vary between your demo and live account and you should not expect any success with the Demo Account to be replicated in your live trading. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that demo accounts are viewed solely as a learning tool for inexperienced traders or a place for testing new trading strategies.

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Invierta con responsabilidad. Debe considerar si comprende el funcionamiento de los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir un riesgo elevado de perder su dinero. Crear una cuenta real.


Abrir una cuenta de trading Demo Account. Open FxPro Account. Leverage can be also expressed in percentage and can be referred as the initial margin requirement. The leverage is specific for each financial instrument and can be found under asset details in the trading platform. For example, let us assume that you want to enter a Forex position as follow; Buy , EURUSD and the contract is leveraged on a ratio or alternatively can be expressed as an initial margin requirement of 3. The only requirement for this privilege is that you maintain the required capital as margin in your account so that this position can be maintained.

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Now let us take a closer look at margin. The exact amount required is dependent on the size of the position and the leverage which is being used. Margin is there to guarantee the position you have opened in case it goes against you. Initial margin requires that the whole margin is available in your account before a position is opened then it reverts to requiring a maintenance margin.

Otherwise the position will automatically close.

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If your available margin is less than the initial margin required to open additional trades, the trades will not be opened. Available margin is calculated as equity less the initial margin of your open positions. In our example this would mean our margin usage at the time of opening is at A negative balance protection is offered to all our clients.

This means that you will not sustain any losses that exceed the capital you invested with us. El Clients Obligation The Company shall rely on the information provided by yourself in regards to your knowledge, experience, financial situation and investment objectives.

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